Project Meetings

EFPC provides in-house and public workshops on how to Project Manage a Framework Program Project. In addition we offer Coordinators administrative assistance during the running of their project. This assistance makes full use of our Financial Expertise. Please contact us here for more information.


What meetings should be organised during the lifetime of a project?

Kick off Meeting

It is normal to organise a kick-off meeting shortly after the contract has been signed and the project formally starts. It is wise to wait for this so costs associated with the meeting are allowable. Again it is accepted practice that the kick-off meeting be held at the premises of the Co-ordinator. This is of course open to discussion if there is some good reason to hold it elsewhere. It is also good practice to invite the Project Officer to the meeting - at least to the last part of it.

Kick offs are usually spread over two days with an opportunity for an informal evening get-together in between. The meeting should an Administrative Session and a Technical Session as follows:

Administrative Session

·        Introductions

·        Presentation of host organisation

·        Brief presentation by each partner on its organisation

·        Review of management structure and decision making mechanism

·        Review of project administrative and financial procedures

·        Discussion on advance payment amounts and procedure

·        Agreement on Project Handbook

·        Discussions on Consortium agreement if not yet in place

·        Formal procedure review with Project Officer if present

·        Dates for subsequent Project Meetings - at least a year forward

It is important to ensure that each partner has a full copy of the contract and all annexes as well as the financial breakdown and advance payment amounts.

Technical Session

·        Review of overall project and technical objectives

·        Review of work plan, assignments and activities for first year

·        Detailed discussion on Task and Workpackage tasks and timetable by WP leaders